Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Loose Threads Current Project

I missed last months meeting due to a board meeting but Janice taught Thread Painting on water soluble stabilizer and gave us the word "Rejoice" to put into a quilt.  Well, I don't see the point in doing it on stabilizer when you can do it directly on the fabric.  But I did it anyways.  After seeing Janice's and Karen's I can now see when this technique can come in handy.  I forgot to take a picture of Grace's butterflies she made but when she gets it into a quilt, I hope to take a picture of it.  I'm trying to remember to take my camera and use it so I will have pictures for my blog.  Maybe it will be more interesting to more people.

Barbara Sawyer did hers directly on the fabric.

Barbara Sindlinger made a little one (about 6" x 6")

Janice Minyard suspended hers in the center (open all the way through)

Karen Taber layered hers with chiffon and inserted free floating stars.

This is Sara Kelly's which she did not put into a quilt.

But Sara decided to cut up some blocks she had and make a new quilt out of them.

And here is mine. 
This wasn't the original orientation and I planned on having more beads on it but I guess this is the way it is going to stay.  Have to change the sleeve on the back!

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