Thursday, May 5, 2016

Why does life keep me from quilting?  We all have crazy lives but sometimes I feel like mine is out of control.  I took on a new adventure.  I'm teaching in my home.  It's the only thing that made sense financially for me.  I turned my dining room into a class room.  This way no one has to go up stairs. I've had a beginning quilting class and one of my patterns so far.  It's been fun and I like being my own boss.  

I've been working on some of my patterns also.

I reformatted my Log Cabin Paseos pattern.  I'll be teaching this up north, outside of Redding, in Palo Cedro at Blue Iris Quit shop in July.

I also just finish my Asian Lights pattern thanks to the great proofreading of Linda Matthews.  What would I do without you!  The class for this is May 21.  I have only one more opening.

I was also able to teach some of the Material Girls how to Stack and Whack.  This maybe a new pattern in the future!

I'm also trying to teach some scrap classes.  The coasters and pincushions class wasn't very successful.  Looking forward to the postcard class.  I have also developed a new pattern for five inch squares. (Coming soon!)

In my spare time I covered a cushion for my friend Jeannie.  Loved the fabric she picked.  I wasn't sure I could do it but was very happy how it came out.

It has been nice being in a hotel with decent Internet, thus the post.  Hope to keep you posted on classes.  If you are interested in getting my newsletter or any of my patterns, email me at

Friday, February 19, 2016

Live From Quilt Con 2016

Excited to be at Quilt Con!  Here's my entry in the Michael Miller Glitz Challenge.

Here I am with Libs Elliot getting "Tattooed"!

I haven't taken any classes yet.  I've volunteered, looked at the quilts, shopped, and have some lectures to go to tomorrow.  Sunday I'm taking a class with Luke Haynes.  It's been so much fun connecting with friends from the valley!

Now for some more info on my quilting life.  I'm no longer teaching at Bolts in the Bathtub.  I'm on my own.  I'm looking forward to designing and teaching out of my Studio.  My first newsletter will be going out soon.  I'll keep you all posted.

Just finished my latest two patterns.  I taught Sonora last weekend at the Antelope Valley guild.  We had a great time.  Looking forward to some pictures of their quilts soon.

My next pattern to come out will be Asian Lights.  Look for it toward the end of March.

And of course I'm always doing scrap quilts.

More later!

Thanks for following me on this amazing adventure.