Thursday, July 8, 2010

Just A Liitle Bit of That

I have the day to myself and boy, do I need it!  Watching "While You Were Sleeping" and "Sleepless in Seattle" (is there a theme here!) I finished the baby quilt I was making.  Once it was pieced I didn't feel like quilting it but now it is done.  I love the pattern but am not so happy with the quilting.  I should remember not to work on something when I am not in the mood.  My work suffers because of my attitude.Now I am trying to decided what to work on the rest of the afternoon.  There is so much to do but I think I learned a lesson.  Work on what you enjoy.  The rest will come.

I wanted to show you what Serena has been doing while she was here.  We were going to quilt together but one of the quilts she was going to work on, the pattern didn't make it here.  The other on I am still trying to draft the block.  So she made purses instead.I think she did a great job especially taking the pattern and reducing it so she could have a smaller one for her.
I have two cut out, I think I will work on those this afternoon.    No better place then in my air conditioned studio on a hot day like this.  Although it is not as hot here as the east coast but then again it is always hot here during the summer.  Why would we expect anything different.  Happy quilting everyone!

1 comment:

  1. In firefox and able to comment. It worked.

    Anyway - love the purses, both yours and Serenas.

    Love your comment about your dwindling fabric library. If you need help spending money on fabric, I am always available for that.
