Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Mariner's Compas Squares

Here's the original 1st block.

Here's the original second block with a center circle.  Here's where I had trouble with the placement of the light fabrics.  The book does not help at all with value placement.  It's all trial and error.

Still having trouble with value.  I miss my design wall!

Here's my favorite.

I'm not sure how many more to make at least 6 maybe more.  There are at least 9 blocks with 2 variations for each block.  I don't really want to make 18 blocks.  They will take me till December to finish.  Taking a few days off to help Serena tile her floor.


  1. I really like your fav as well!! It looks great on that background. I think that background shows more color 'in person(cause I saw it)!!! Enjoy the girls and I will see you soon. Linda

  2. Of the six photos, I like 4, 5, and 6, with #4 and #6 being my favorites. Aren't they fun!!
