I made this quilt to donate to the Orange Blossom Guild's Little Quilt Raffle and am about to leave for our meeting, but I wanted to share it with you. I had to take the picture with my iphone (hanging over my sewing table) so it is not very clear. I experimented with different techniques for the hearts; foiling, angelina, foil, tyvek, and applique with crystals. I love it and hate to give it up. I hope someone will love it as much as I do.
I am still working on "Knights of the Round Table". I am having some tension issues still but I think it is the thread. Anyone out there use Superior's Rainbow thread with success? Let me know your advice.
Four more days till they pick my quilts for the show. I hope I get done.
If you have a blog or website that is interesting, let me know. I love to see what others are doing.