I can finally show you what I have been working on. This is my quilt for the Kings River Quilter's Guild challenge. We were all given a picture from a magazine of a room and we were to interpret it anyway we wanted to but must use five colors from the photo and one applique or embroidered piece. I don't have the picture but it was of a living room with traditional chairs, windows, tables, a mirror and a large plant. Here is my interpretation. I didn't win anything but it could be because it was in a dark corner when displayed, most everyone there is into very traditional quilts, or because it wasn't good enough. There was one quilt that was spectacular that I liked as viewers choice. It won for best quilting and she didn't even quilt it herself. It was a beautiful quilt though.

But this is what I got for participating which was totally worth it. I thought that was a great idea. It is really a nice bag. I like having a bag from the different guilds so I can keep things together for each one in a seperate bag. Of course, now that we have moved I won't be able to go to the guild! But I love it just the same.
I did email the president of the guild here in Santa Clarita but have not heard anything yet. I thought I would wait till we got into a house but that may be sometime yet and my husband is worried about me being lonely (bless his heart).
Here is what my secret pal gave me from Kings River (for two months). I forgot to take a picture of the wind chime that is hanging on my extra room in our apartment that I use for a quilting room. The flowers bring some brightness and happiness to our little apartment. There are strings of beads tucked into the flowers. What a cute idea. Don't I have a great secret pal!
Spent the day with the girls and the grandkids shopping in Valencia. There came down for the day to shop for Katrina's birthday. We had a great time. The kids played in the kids play area as the girls went shopping for a dress for Katrina. It is hard watching four kids run back and forth through lots of other kids. In fact at one point I lost Daniel (18 months) because he climbed over the banquet seat style walls. I don't know how he did it but there he was wandering on the other side toward the escalators. I about had a heart attack when Ephram and I could not find him. I don't think I ever want to do that again. I still don't know how he did it without falling over and hurting himself. Just makes me upset all over again just writing about it.

We had to say goodbye to our house this weekend. We found out last week that we had renters that wanted to get in by today. We thought we had two more weeks but guess again. We had so much to do! Painting, repairs, yard work, still had stuff to put in storage, and cleaning. We could not have done it without our friends. Thank you Linda M.(who is the neatest painter I have ever seen), Peggy (who painted and thankfully took all the extra yard pots), Martina, Katrina and Eric (who worked so hard doing whatever we asked), Mark (who hates putting up window covering and plumbing but did it anyways), Debbi and Rick (who worked hard Saturday and then fed us that night - great Margaritas by the way), Michael and David (who did all the dirty work), Bob (who is storing some of our junk), and Jim (who worked even though he had thrown out his back). By Saturday night we were exhausted. We spent the night in the Hanford Comfort Inn. First time Jeff ever spent the night in a Hanford hotel, having been born here. It is bitter sweet saying good bye to such a wonderful house and town. We have lots of memories and even more special friends. Onward to a new journey.