Well, I feel like I did. We have had a major upheaval in our lives over the last two months. We are moving. We actually have already moved. We have an apartment in Valencia, Ca. which we have only slept in for one night. We have our house in Hanford that we still stay at so we can get it ready to rent. We are in an extended stay hotel in Virginia right now visiting my daughter and most of our stuff is in three, count them three!!!, storage units in Hanford. So to tell you the truth I don't really know where I am suppose to be.

It has been really hard just doing the regular daily things, like blogging. But I am determined to write today.
I haven't done much quilting the last few weeks but I did get three baby quilts and one church baby quilt done before I left. I have some challenge quilts to do but don't know when I will get back to Valencia where most of my quilting supplies are to work on these. We are suppose to fly back to Sacramento on Saturday, July 30th, and drive to Hanford. Jeff starts his new job on August 1st and I stay in Hanford for a few days to teach. It will be back and forth till we get the house rented. I am not looking forward to that. I want to feel settled but that is not going to happen till we find a house.
I think I have probably looked at 1000 houses on the Internet. The prices are so much higher than we are use to but I am determined to get the most for our money. We were really spoiled in Hanford. Some days I get discouraged and want to give it all up and some days I am excited by what I see. We have to wait till after Sept. 1st to seriously look but I will be going strong to find something after that.